Koy Technology Co.,LTD التطبيقات

RubiX-Smart Air Con Remote 1.1.9
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
Introduction:1.With this application connected to RubiX-IR or ECO, you cancontrol your air condition by turning your Android device into aremote controller in a more economic way.2. Moreover, with this application and RubiX, the power consumptionof your air conditon can be saved by approximately 30% without theworrying of comfortability.3. This application was tested with various ACs from differentbrands. So, it has memorised various signals of different ACs. Youcan select the brand of your ACs to download the signals directlywithout the process of learning & studying.Don't forget that this application will continue gettingupdated, so don't miss out!
南科多功能GPRS線上分析儀 1.1.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 傳奇機系列商品,若未配合BOI公司出產的傳奇機系列等商品,此APP無法正常使用通過該APP進行手機校正、讀取。1. 具有可以擴充流量,流速度,酸鹼度、導電度、溫度、D O、T S S的傳感器2.智慧型手機遠程監控、校正及下載數據3. 超限值告警4. 參數設定、上傳雲端資料庫5. 線上影片說明操作6. 蜂鳴器、告警簡訊&E-mail功能※ Note ※This APP must match the legendary series of goods, if not with theBOI company produced commodities such legendary series, this APPdoes not work properlyBe corrected by the phone APP, read.1 can be expanded with the flow, the flow rate, pH, conductivity,temperature, DO, TSS sensor2 smart phone remote monitoring, calibration and downloaddata3. Overrun value alarm4 parameter settings, upload cloud database5 online video instructions6. Buzzer, alarm SMS & E-mail function
RubiX-Smart TV Remote 1.0.8
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
Introduction:1.With this application connected to RubiX-IR or ECO, you cancontrol your television by turning your Android device into aremote controller just like a Samsung TV remote in a more economicway.2. Moreover, with this application and RubiX, you can switch thechannels or turn up/down the volume via your Android device withoutthe worrying of finding the corresponding remote controller.3. This application and RubiX has been tested with various TVs ofdifferent brands. So, you can downloas the commanding signals byselecting the brand of your TVs. Also, it supports the onlinemedia.Don't forget that this application will continue gettingupdated, so don't miss out!
KOY 多功能體重計 1.0.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html透過藍芽傳輸連結將測得的體重數值傳至RUBIX主機傳送到個人的智慧型手機中,還有趨勢圖可參考※ Note ※This must be used with RubiX Europe APP tone Wan device before use,if not with koy company produced RubiX Europe tone Wan, this APPdoes not work properlyPlease refer to website http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.htmlThrough Bluetooth link the measured weight values ​​transmittedRUBIX host to the personal smart phone, as well as trends mayrefer
惠民河川巡查系統 1.0.1
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※請注意※此APP需搭配koy公司開發的河川巡查系統網站,才可正常使用河川巡查系統,經由手機拍照,上傳至伺服器,同時會記錄下拍照的日期時間與位置.後台再透過網頁查詢相片資料,可查看河流水文狀態※ Note ※This APP required with koy river patrol system developed sitesbefore normal useRiver patrol system via mobile phone camera, uploaded to theserver, and it will record the camera's date and time andlocation.Background information and then through a Web query photo, you canview status of river hydrology
KOY 萬能遙控器 1.0.1
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html此APP配合RubiX可以學習各種電子設備的紅外線遙控(IR)命令,並將學習命令內存於模組或者儲存於檔案,使用藍芽傳輸。此外,搭配的手機APP軟體讓使用者能輕鬆地進行規畫、學習、測試與儲存IR命令之功能。RubiX能夠完整取代遙控器的功能,並與智慧行動裝置設備整合使用;因此特別適合智慧家居與建築自動化的應用。
KOY 超音波身高計 1.0.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html利用超音波感測器之發射器發出超音波,至目標物體反射之回映所需的時間,來獲得被測物與測量源之間的距離。※ Note ※This must be used with RubiX Europe APP tone Wan device before use,if not with koy company produced RubiX Europe tone Wan, this APPdoes not work properlyPlease refer to website http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.htmlThe use of ultrasonic sensors emit ultrasonic transmitter to thetarget object reflex reflect back to the time required to obtainthe measured object and measuring the distance between thesource.
koy 多功能分析儀 1.0.5
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html通過該APP進行手機校正、讀取。具有可以擴充流量,流速度,酸鹼度、導電度、溫度、D O、T S S、的傳感器※ Note ※This must be used with RubiX Europe APP tone Wan device before use,if not with koy company produced RubiX Europe tone Wan, this APPdoes not work properlyPlease refer to website http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.htmlAPP for mobile phones through the correction, read.Can be expanded with a flow, flow rate, pH, conductivity,temperature, DO, TSS, the sensor
萬能遙控器(遊戲) 1.0.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
KOY 萬能電阻表 1.0.7
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html透過手機APP來顯示電阻數值。※ Note ※This must be used with RubiX Europe APP tone Wan device beforeuse,if not with koy company produced RubiX Europe tone Wan, thisAPPdoes not work properlyPlease refer to website http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.htmlAPP via phone to show resistance values.
工業局監測系統 1.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
工業局監測系統IndustrialDevelopmentBureau Monitoring System
KOY 萬能電壓表 1.0.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html透過手機APP來顯示電壓數值。※ Note ※This must be used with RubiX Europe APP tone Wan device before use,if not with koy company produced RubiX Europe tone Wan, this APPdoes not work properlyPlease refer to website http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.htmlAPP via phone to display the voltage value.
KOY Breathometer 1.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
Breathometer can test various gasparametersincluding Fow and Density, which also allows smartphoneconnectionand data display.(This App only available for RubiX hardware by KOY.)
工業局巡檢系統 1.0.5
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
工業局巡檢系統IndustrialDevelopmentBureau inspection system
koy Health Testing System 1.0
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
Cloud Health, the Healthy Medical TreatmentinRubiX,is a domestic measuring tool for Blood pressure, Bloodsugarand Temperature by circumscribed sensors.(This App only available for RubiX hardware by KOY.)
工業局校正系統 1.0.9
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
Thermometer koy RubiX (T) 1.0.6
Compatibility:Android devices running OS 2.3orabove.Android application, RubiX, allows users to various sensorsandbeen able to watch it over remotely.Through the RubiX App, you can enjoy the following functions inoneSmartphone:1. Thermometer: get to know body Temp., in-door Temp.,orenvironment Temp. through your Smartphone;2. Water Quality Analyzer: establish your healthy lifethroughprofessional water quality analysis and report.3. Telemeter: precise water level, height and distance measuringbyultrasonic wave technology.4. Breathometer: drink smarter with RubiX and helppreventaccidents.5. Energy-Saving: programmed and remote control, saving powerandenergy.6. Multimeter: easy operation, necessity for family.DO, pH, COD, EC or SS testing can be options forprofessionalusers(This App only available for RubiX hardware by KOY.)
竹科多功能分析儀 1.2.65
Koy Technology Co.,LTD
※ 請注意 ※此APP必須搭配 傳奇機系列商品,若未配合BOI公司出產的傳奇機系列等商品,此APP無法正常使用通過該APP進行手機校正、讀取。1. 具有可以擴充流量,流速度,酸鹼度、導電度、溫度、D O、T S S的傳感器2.智慧型手機遠程監控、校正及下載數據3. 超限值告警4. 參數設定、上傳雲端資料庫5. 線上影片說明操作6. 蜂鳴器、告警簡訊&E-mail功能※ Please note ※This APP must match the legendary series of goods, if not withtheBOI company produced the legendary series and othercommodities,the APP does not work properlyMake phone corrected by the APP, read.1. can be expanded with a flow, flow rate, pH,conductivity,temperature, DO, TSS sensor2. smart phone remote monitoring, calibration anddownloadingdata3. overrun value alarm4. parameter settings, upload cloud database5. Online Video instructions6. buzzer, alarm SMS & E-mail function